Book Review of “Million Dollar Consulting”

Million Dollar Consulting

Here is my book summary of "Million Dollar Consulting" is a book written by Alan Weiss.

Alan Weiss is a well-established consultant with over 30 years of experience in the field. The book serves as a comprehensive guide for those who want to build and maintain a successful consulting practice. It covers various aspects of the consulting business, including marketing, fees, proposals, and networking.

Summary of the book:

“Million Dollar Consulting" by Alan Weiss is a comprehensive guide for consultants seeking to establish and grow a successful consulting practice. The book delves into various aspects of the consulting business, providing readers with actionable insights and expert strategies to excel in their field. The key points in each section of the book include:

The Mindset:

  1. Develop a strong self-image and confidence in your expertise.

  2. Be committed to providing the best possible value for your clients. Value is key!

  3. Embrace a mindset of abundance, rather than scarcity. Have a rich mindset, read “Secrets of the millionaire mind” by T. Harv Eker.

Marketing and Positioning:

  1. Differentiate yourself from the competition by identifying your unique selling proposition (USP).

  2. Develop a compelling elevator pitch that communicates your value.

  3. Utilize various marketing channels, such as social media, speaking engagements, and referrals, to build a strong personal brand.

Fees and Pricing:

  1. Establish a value-based fee structure, rather than an hourly rate, to ensure you're being compensated fairly for your expertise. Work with your mind not your time.

  2. Be transparent and assertive when discussing fees with clients.

  3. Understand your worth and avoid underpricing your services. Again - read “Secrets of the millionaire mind” by T. Harv Eker. To work on that rich mindset and put that poor mindset behind you.

Proposals and Agreements:

  1. Write compelling proposals that outline the value and benefits of your consulting services.

  2. Clearly define project scope, timelines, deliverables, and fees in your agreements.

  3. Manage client expectations by setting clear boundaries and ensuring open communication throughout the project.

Networking and Relationship Building:

  1. Build a strong professional network by attending industry events, joining associations, and engaging with peers online.

  2. Foster relationships with existing clients by regularly checking in and offering additional services as needed. Ask yourself - What else can I sell my existing clients?

  3. Develop strategic partnerships with complementary businesses to expand your reach and increase referrals. Think about collaborations.


  1. The importance of adopting a confident and abundant mindset in order to succeed in the consulting business.

  2. Differentiating yourself from competitors by identifying and promoting your unique selling proposition.

  3. Establishing a value-based fee structure to ensure fair compensation for your expertise.

  4. Writing compelling proposals and agreements that effectively communicate your value and project scope.

  5. Building a strong professional network and nurturing client relationships to fuel long-term business growth.

  6. By applying the strategies and insights presented in "Million Dollar Consulting," readers can build a thriving and profitable consulting practice that delivers exceptional value to clients.

How to use the teachings from "Million Dollar Consulting" in a practical world

To apply the teachings from "Million Dollar Consulting" in the practical world, follow these steps:

Develop the right mindset:

  1. Cultivate confidence in your expertise and the value you bring to clients.

  2. Embrace abundance and maintain a positive outlook on your business prospects.

  3. Identify your niche and unique selling proposition (USP):

  4. Reflect on your strengths, experiences, and areas of expertise.

  5. Determine your target market and the problems you can help them solve.

  6. Develop a clear USP that sets you apart from other consultants in your field.

Create a marketing plan:

  1. Develop a professional website that showcases your expertise, services, and client testimonials.

  2. Utilize social media platforms to share valuable content and engage with your target audience.

  3. Attend industry events, conferences, and workshops to network and establish your presence in your niche.

Establish a value-based fee structure:

  1. Calculate your desired income and consider the value you provide to clients when setting your fees. This means work with your mind and not your time.

  2. Offer various pricing options, such as project-based or retainer fees, to accommodate different client needs.

  3. Be prepared to justify your fees and confidently communicate your value during client negotiations.

Master the art of proposal writing:

  1. Focus on the client's needs and desired outcomes when crafting a proposal.

  2. Clearly outline project scope, deliverables, and timelines.

  3. Emphasize the benefits and value your consulting services will provide. Remember, it’s about what THEY get, focus on them, only too often we focus on what we get, but to win a deal, we must listen, and focus on what the client will get.

Develop strong client relationships:

  1. Maintain open and transparent communication throughout the project.

  2. Regularly check in with clients to ensure satisfaction and address any concerns.

  3. Seek feedback and testimonials from satisfied clients to strengthen your reputation.

Continuously improve and adapt:

  1. Stay up-to-date with industry trends and best practices.

  2. Invest in personal and professional development through ongoing learning and skill-building.

  3. Be open to feedback and refine your consulting services as needed to better serve your clients.

Network and build strategic partnerships:

  1. Join industry associations and participate in relevant online communities to expand your network.

  2. Seek out partnerships with complementary businesses to increase referrals and collaboration opportunities.

  3. Offer value to your network by sharing your knowledge and supporting others in their endeavors.

By consistently applying these steps, you can leverage the teachings from "Million Dollar Consulting" to build and grow a successful consulting practice in the practical world.

The most popular teaching from million dollar consulting

One of the most popular and impactful teachings from "Million Dollar Consulting" is the concept of value-based fees. This approach emphasizes the importance of charging clients based on the value you provide, rather than simply billing by the hour or day.

Value-based fees allow consultants to:

  1. Focus on the outcomes and results delivered to clients, which better aligns their interests with those of their clients.

  2. Avoid the limitations of hourly or daily rates, which can create a perception that the consultant is selling their time, rather than their expertise.

  3. Earn higher fees by demonstrating the value they bring to clients and the positive impact their services will have on the client's business.

  4. Encourage more efficient and effective work, as consultants are incentivized to deliver results, rather than just putting in hours.

To implement value-based fees in your consulting practice:

  1. Identify the outcomes and results your services provide to clients, such as increased revenue, cost savings, or improved processes.

  2. Estimate the monetary value of these outcomes for your clients.

  3. Set your fees based on a percentage of the value you deliver, taking into account factors such as project scope, complexity, and potential risks.

  4. Clearly communicate the benefits and value of your services to clients, and be prepared to justify your fees during negotiations.


Million Dollar Consulting" by Alan Weiss is a guide to building a successful consulting practice. The key teachings include developing a confident mindset, identifying your niche and unique selling proposition, adopting value-based fees, crafting compelling proposals, fostering strong client relationships, and continuously networking and improving your skills. By implementing these strategies, consultants can create a thriving and profitable business.

By adopting a value-based fee structure, consultants can better align their interests with their clients, deliver higher value, and ultimately create more successful and profitable consulting practices. This popular teaching from "Million Dollar Consulting" has resonated with many consultants seeking to improve their business models and better serve their clients.

You can purchase Million Dollar Consulting" is a book written by Alan Weiss here on amazon.

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